To produce a professional 360º video piece follows similar steps as a traditional film production, and deviates from it in new and to be explored ways. Joergen Geerds from Freedom360 will outline the different steps in his presentation: from script writing to storyboarding, selecting the right equipment to shoot a scene and capture good sound, directing and pre-visualisation, stitching the raw material into a good source for editing in Adobe Premiere or AfterEffects to follow the story outline, as well as preparing the final edit for the various media or screens it will be deployed to.
Kazutaka Uchida, CTO of Kadinche, Japan, will explain the PanoPlaza platform and how it is used in different key applications.
Kadinche is operating a cloud based panorama virtual shop hosting and authoring tool called PanoPlaza. PanoPlaza is mainly used by shops, retails, and car dealers in Japan & USA. We would like to share how the latest panorama virtual shops look like with features such as design template, keyword search, and news ticker. Continue reading “PanoPlaza: Panoramas for Shops, Facilities, & Mountains” »
We’ve already learned about his great and ambitious panoramic projects with aerial panoramas for city development during the Iceland conference last year. Now Roelof introduces a completely new approach.
What’s the point of sharing a great panoramic online if it takes too long to load? Your visitors are impatient and studies show that even a few milliseconds of delay can be detrimental to online sales and customer retention.
Saving terabytes of photos and video to your hard drive is not a backup solution. Redundancy is important, and
triple redundancy is even better, but don’t get buried in “busy work” trying to manage your archives. I’ll explain
various backup solutions both local and offsite, and the time involved for each. I’ll also explain the backup
strategy that best fits my business workflow. Continue reading “What’s Your Backup Strategy?” »
We were all beginners at one time and made many mistakes. I would like to decrease the learning curve by sharing my experiences both good and bad, and how I overcame beginner mistakes and improved the quality of my panoramics.
Kirk will show a series of good/bad panoramic images and explain what techniques he did right/wrong in each example.
At our conferences we always strive to present you outstanding projects and to foster the exchange of ideas and inspiration with the people working at the leading edge of 360° imaging and filming.
IVRPA is delighted to announce that Eric Hanson and Greg Downing from xRez Studio were able to adjust their schedule to meet with us in Las Vegas. It’s hard to find words to introduce their extraordinary work, so you may just have a look at their website or lean back and enjoy the recent showreels. Continue reading “Emerging Innovation in Virtual Reality Capture” »